In 700 years of muzzleloading development, there has never been a muzzleloading rifle as versatile as the new Savage Model 10ML-II. This ultra-modern, .50 caliber, bolt-action muzzleloader is the first and only designed and built to be shot with modern smokeless powders. With prescribed loads of powder such as IMR-4227 and Accurate Arms XMP5744, the Savage Model 10ML-II performs with far less recoil and greater downrange energy than any "black powder only" muzzleloader. And thanks to the characteristics of smokeless powder, the amount of fouling is significantly reduced and the necessity to clean immediately after shooting is eliminated. Of course, the Savage 10ML-II can be loaded and fired with black powder, Pyrodex, Pyrodex Pellets, Clean-Shot and other black powder substitutes. The Savage Model 10ML-II is available in blued and stainless steel. Features include a precision rifled 24 inch barrel, ignition from a 209 shotshell primer, patented removable breech plug design, adjustable rear hunting sight, drilled and tapped receiver for easy scope mounting and a tough, hard working black synthetic stock. The 10ML uses bullets of either .451 or .452 inch diameter in fifty caliber magnum sabots. Be sure to use the magnum sabots, as the cheap soft ones give unsatisfactory results with the velocities of which this rifle is capable. Never try using .44 caliber bullets in the Savage. The sabots blow apart |